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        Now:Home--Coporate Vision

◎Our Vision:

    To let every excellent enterprises own the talents who Wealth hunts .

Our dream is all due to an inspiring story:
    There was an old man taking his usual evening walk at the beach.  He saw a young boy picking up the starfish and threw it into the sea.  He didnt do it once but many times.  Out of curiosity, the old man approached the young boy.
    "Why are u throwing the starfish into the sea", asked the old man
    "As u see, those starfish have been swept to the shore during the high tide and now if they are not returned to the sea immediately, they will die", answered the young boy.
    The old man laughed and replied," Why do you bother?  There are hundreds of starfish laying on the beach, you will not able to resuce all of them.  It does no difference!"
    As the old man finished his line, the young boy picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea again.  Having done that, the young boy said to the old man,"No difference?  I have just made a difference to that starfish that I have just threw."
    What an inspiring story..... Sometimes, the things that we have done may seem so little but it does make a great difference to the receiver.  So, we should never give up doing good to others, even though it may seems small contribution.
    Don't miss doing any goods no matter how insignificant it looks. Wealth tries its best to inspire all talents and corporations that it has serviced by its honesty, responsibility,  Universal loveand service. Mike believes that in three years , five years, ten years ...... our dream making our country powerful and people rich will come true.

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Address: Room 304, Kingtop Building B (Second Stage Building, Software Zone), No.1819, Lvling Road, Siming Distrtict, Xiamen City TEL:0592-5111002 Hotline:4000-321-580 Wells Xiamen Human Resource Management Co., Ltd. E-mail: Congratulations Wells housewarming Technical support: Xiamen Peng You
维尔斯(Weshr)公司是2003年在新加坡成立,2006年初在中国厦门设立厦门维尔斯人力资源管理有限公司,并作为集团公司总部所在地. 维尔斯公司拥有中国猎头行业内一流的中高端精英动态人才库的猎头运营机构,独资创建了多家中国知名的多层次人才收录网站—— 厦门猎头网、福建猎头网、 广东猎头网 www.gdlietou.com及人事代理网 www.xmlw.net等知名并具备一定影响力的网站